¥36,300 税込
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柔らかいがしっかりとした肌触りのベージュストール。最高級のインド綿とSUPER ZEROを使用しており、最高の肌心地を実現します。ベージュカラーのストールは、上品でどんなコーディネートにもマッチする一枚です。
This off-white stole combines softness with a substantial feel, made from the highest-quality Indian cotton and SUPER ZERO for the ultimate comfort. The beige color adds a touch of warmth and elegance, making it a versatile piece that complements any outfit.
紡績糸:120/1 インド産ラムコDCH超長綿コットン
撚糸:SUPER ZERO 3000回
Spun Yarn: 120/1 Indian Ramco DCH Extra-Long Staple Cotton
Yarn Characteristics: Made from premium Indian cotton cultivated through a special preservation technique. The yarn features a silk-like sheen, soft texture, excellent elasticity, and a distinctive smooth feel.
Twisting: SUPER ZERO, 3000 twists
Weave: The stole is woven in a twill pattern using a shuttle loom. It is yarn-dyed, washed and dried in a cylinder without tentering, and each piece is hand-ironed for finishing.
Made in Japan
Care Instructions:
This product is made from delicate material.
● Be cautious of accessories or rough edges on fingers that could damage the fabric.
● When washing, gently press wash, avoid wringing forcefully, and either press gently with a towel or place in a net and spin-dry on a weak setting for about 15 seconds.
● Avoid using clothespins while drying to prevent damage.
● Do not stretch the fabric while wet, as this can cause damage. Gently lay it flat on a net or hang it on a rod to dry.
¥36,300 税込