¥18,700 税込
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上質なメリノウールを使用したタンクトップ。暖かく、柔らかい肌触りで、着心地も抜群です。落ち着いたカラーは、どんなコーディネートにも合わせやすく、インナーとしてもおすすめです。 ニュージーランドの大自然の恵みから生まれたメリノウールは、ウェアにしたときに縫い目の不快感が少なく、締め付けのないストレスフリーな素材です、一年を通して快適に着用できます。
These tank tops are made from high-quality merino wool, offering warmth and a soft touch for exceptional comfort. The understated colors pair easily with any outfit and is perfect as an inner layer. The merino wool, sourced from New Zealand, is designed to minimize seam discomfort and provide a stress-free, non-restrictive fit, making it comfortable to wear year-round.
紡績糸:ニュージーランド産メリノウール クローチェ60/1(防縮ウール)
上質なヌメリ感のある風合いは、SUPER ZERO加工をすることで、更なる滑らかさと光沢感、落ち感のある生地に仕上がります。
Spun Yarn: New Zealand Merino Wool Croche 60/1 (Shrink-resistant wool)
Yarn Characteristics: Made from fine merino wool grown in the majestic natural environment. The natural crimp of the yarn features a sublime softness and luxurious feel.
Twisting: SUPER ZERO
Knit Structure: Seamless rib
The high-quality smooth texture is enhanced with SUPER ZERO processing, resulting in an even smoother, glossier, and drapey fabric.
Knit on vintage machines from Wakayama, providing a perfect fit for innerwear.
Merino Wool 100%
Made in Japan
Care Instructions:
This product is made from delicate material.
● Be cautious of accessories or rough edges on fingers that could damage the fabric.
● When washing, gently press wash, avoid wringing forcefully, and either press gently with a towel or place in a net and spin-dry on a weak setting for about 15 seconds.
● Avoid using clothespins while drying to prevent damage.
● Do not stretch the fabric while wet, as this can cause damage. Gently lay it flat on a net or hang it on a rod to dry.
¥18,700 税込